The Chamber

We are an Independent Chamber of Commerce. We are CAMCOIN.

We are an International Chamber of Commerce not specific to any region. We mean it when we say International. We focus on networking and business, not location. Our CAMCOIN members range not only from different cities but from different countries— we have members in South Texas, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, China, and more. The location of your business is not meant to be an obstacle, rather it is a partnership opportunity. Any company or business looking to join the chamber is welcome.

Join the family!

The beating heart of CAMCOIN is made up of normal, everyday people. People with innovative ideas, fresh business prospects, and a true goal of making our community a great one. This family is what makes CAMCOIN stand out from the rest.

Core Purpose

CAMCOIN takes on the biggest challenges so you can focus on growing your business.

Member growth

Here at CAMCOIN, member growth is where all members work together. This is where we support and promote each member’s individual journey to business growth through educational programs and seminars, our monthly tips, and member recommendations; this means we focus on your business presence, expansion, and sale increase.

Communal Integrity

Here at the International Chamber of Commerce, we provide advice, and resources to not only members but to the community as a whole. This means that we share all we can in order to promote growth as a community. Thriving on honesty and honor, we help unite the community through our events and progress as a chamber.

Effective Collaboration

Here at CAMCOIN, we’re a well-oiled machine of a family. This means that whenever something is affecting any other member’s business productivity, we all pitch in to lend a hand. We work together to get businesses up and running again, faster, and more profitable than ever. We work efficiently to ensure the growth of the chamber as a whole.

Intra-member Trust

At the International Chamber of Commerce, we have each other’s backs. We trust fully in our fellow members and help each other grow not only as businesses but as hardworking individuals. We offer our help and do what we can to the best of our ability. We trust each other in order to unite and grow as a united chamber.


Our vision is to be a world-class international chamber of commerce fostering relations between our members as well as foreign chambers of commerce becoming a catalyst for the development of international trade.


Our mission is to help mainly Hispanic, local and foreign companies to develop and prosper; to be the voice of our members in regards to local, state, and federal governments, as well as facilitate growth and development of international members’ business and investment.

World Ambassadors

At CAMCOIN we have a presence not only in the United States but in the World. Our World Ambassadors are the link to create the business opportunity you’ve looking for. Let’s transform your idea into a business reality.

Soy miembro de la cámara desde el 2018, a partir de nuestra incursión en CAMCOIN hemos visto un crecimiento notable en nuestro negocio gracias a los programas y orientación que ofrecen. Estamos muy contentos porque además nos dan respaldo personas y como negocio. Es un placer ser parte de la FAMILIA CAMCOIN!

Judith Ponce General Manager Clarion Inn & Suites

Camcoin. Es una excelente institución no lucrativa de la cual nos sentimos orgullosos de pertenecer, y de la cual hemos logrado salir adelante en nuestra empresa: Kato Sushi. Siempre están al pendiente de todos sus agremiados. Brindo para que sus dirigentes sigan cosechando éxitos. Jorge (Tato) Meza.

Tato Meza General Manager Kato Sushi.

Mi nombre es Alfredo Olvera, soy empresario. Después de 2 años de pertenecer a la Cámara, puedo decir que para mi ha sido de gran valor hacerme miembro de la cámara por que he conocido a mucha gente con la que puedes hacer negocios, así como también simple amistad. Hoy soy parte de la familia…

Alfredo Olvera OWNER A&M Forwarding LLC